Booha Bar Cluj
Booha Bar Cluj is a favorite spot in the heart of the University campus.
In a very short time, we’ve become one of the most visited places in the city.
Our authentic indie events, skilled baristas, and varied menu helped make us the most appreciated bar in town 3 years in a row according to the Clujlife Awards (Local Awards for the Nightlife providers).
The house anniversary attracts more than 1,000 each year in an all-night party with DJs and live performances.
Mon – Sat: 10:00 am – 2:00 am
Sun: 12:00 pm – 2:00 am
Phone 0264 402 509
Email [email protected]
Website http://www.boohabar.ro
Informatii de contact
Aceasta locatie nu are date de contact deoarece proprietarul nu a revendicat acest anunt. Daca sunteti proprietarul acestei afaceri si doriti sa aveti drepturi depline la acesta locatie (adaugare poze, date de contact, descriere si altele), va rugam sa ne contactati.
Va multumim!